I frequently get asked for whelping help and while I'm always more than willing to help I thought I'd finalyl take the time an dput up all the info on a webpage to save me recreating it repeatedly. Somehow I can enver find those emails I send off when I need them again. So here goes:
Whelping pool |
A Kiddy pool works great or you can buy a whelping box, I like an x-pen set up around the whelping pool with blankets draped over the side and top to keep it a bit warmer and secluded. Miniclamps are great for getting the blankets attached to the x-pen |
Bedding |
I use lot sof soft bedding (conforters/blankets) covered by a sheet and then a few layers of puppy pads for easy cleanup |
Thermometer |
To check mom's temperature, most girls temperature's drop within 12-24 hours of whelping |
Nutrical |
Gives a little energy boost |
Calcium |
tums, vanilla ice cream, may help prevent hypocalcemia |
Broth/Water |
To rehydrate mom during the whelp, some will drink and some will not, most of mine love homemade chicken stock |
Emergency vet's number |
Easiest to have this on hand ahead of time, just in case |
Hemostats, unwaxed dental floss |
To clamp and tie off umbilical cords |
Scissors |
To cut the cord if mom doesn't do it for you |
Surgical gloves |
to use if you need to digitally exmaine themom or need to remove a stuck pup |
K-Y Jelly |
can help in lubricating a stuck puppy |
Feeding tubes, syringes, liquid milk |
A quick tube feeding can turn around a weaker puppy that's having some trobule getting started. 20 cc syinges and a size 10 french feeding tube work well for silken puppies. |
Hand towels |
For drying off puppies |
Heat lamp |
use in 1/2 the whelping pen so the pups have a warm area |
Holding box lined with towels, hot watter bottle |
You can put the pups in it when you are dealing with a new pup or if you need to transport to the vet with mom |
Pen and puppy Info sheets |
I use those from the Lindal workbook and use them to note pertinent info on each pup, weight, markings, dew claws, vigor, etc. |
RikRak or puppy collars |
Different colors for identifying pups |
Scale |
For weighing the pups at birth as well as monitoring them for the first few weeks to make sure they are gaining weight. I prefer a good digital scale as opposed to a kitchen scale |