Meet the Silken Windhound at Tangaloor

OFA Thyroid/Microchip Clinic

sponsored by Dr. Menks' Mobile Vet Care
Alongside the Richland Kennel Club Show
Columbia Park, Kennewick

8AM to 6 PM

First come, first served

Testing includes TT4, TT3, FT42S, FT3, T4AA, T3AA, TSH, TgAA,
analysis performed by MSU

Cost is 115.00 plus OFA fee (7.50)

• Complete a separate registration/OFA form for EACH dog.
• Plan to allow 15 minutes check in and verify and/or complete any paperwork.

Microchipping available for 19.99

THYROID TEST CLINIC – Bring a self-addressed stamped envelope with you to the clinic so that your blood test results can be mailed to you.
OFA Thyroid : you will need to fill out and print a copy of the OFA form. The OFA forms on this site already have the veternarian information on them, so please use the OFA form from the OFA. Bring the completed OFA form with you to the clinic.


Questions? Please contact Dr. Alison A. Brendel at: