Kristull Quantico Tangaloor, CGC
Fox is my right-hand man, my main co-alpha, his job is fixing all the problems that my left-hand man, Raad, has gotten him into. He is an excellent example of a great pack leader, stoic, resourceful, patient, tolerant and he knows exactly how much of an alpha he needs to be to solve things. Fox has never started a conflict, but he’s ended several.

Fox has matured into a stunning male with a wonderfully full coat that just shows promises of becoming more beautiful. His coat not overly is long, but a thick plushy type coat. He's a gentleman in all respects, unless conned into shenannigans by the other dogs. He can't bear not to be playing if someone is. Raad and he, while disparate in size, are similar in their attitude for play. They do it with all that is in them and as hard as they can.

The one thing Fox doesn’t have is a sense of humor. He tried for a time to develop one, but the silliness that exemplifies other dogs just doesn’t suit him. He’s many things, but being a comedian just isn’t in the cards for him. He’s a gentleman that walks me to my front door every evening before he then enjoys and a night of carousing outside with the guys. |

He’s a nose-poker extraordinare, a trait that he’s passed onto several of his children. He pokes me in the back of my head in greeting, he drums his nose into my mid-section as commentary. He’s king of Morse Code of the nose. . He’s a hunter of live, wild furry things, such as rabbits, gophers and coyotes, but finds the idea of lurecoursing silly, and knows cats are distinctly off limits. And if you hear any haunting musical howling around my place, you can bet that is Fox giving tribute to his heritage. |
Fox Quick Stats
ISWS Reg |
DNA Verified |
Ivermectin Status |
CERF Results |
Normal |
OFA Cardio |
SWH-CA17/63M/C-PI Normal |
OFA Thyroid |
pending - Equivocal
Retest in 3-6 months
Height |
Canine Good Citizenship |
Lotus Status |
Unknown Status
1 normal litter with a Known Carrier female
2 normal litters with Unknown Status females |